The seventh layer in the OSI model has the IP addressesThe MAC address is a hardware address which means it is unique to the network card installed on your PC. Layer 2 addresses are usually thought of as the MAC address which is the direct way to communicate between two pieces of hardware. Networking Osi Tcp Ip Udp Arp Dns Concept Maps Google 搜索 Osi Model Networking Basics Cisco Networking The IP address is an address bound to the network device ie computer via software. . The physical broadcast address is included in the frame that has to be sent to all. For this discussion of LAN environments the physical address also known as the Media Access Control MAC address is relevant. MAC Addresses are used at the Data Link Layer. Open a command prompt and type the command getmac. MAC Address is a 12 digit hexadecimal numeral which is most typically expressed with a colon or hyphen separating every two digits an octet making read...
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